Automating Android Build

Build automation in Android is something that is very useful in production projects, but not only. Continuous Integration and Delivery is not just about publishing the app to Google Play Store, it also allows you to automatically run tests and build app versions for test tracks for your testers. For proper automation setup, you should consider having clear separation of branches for your tracks, so most likely you will have the usual branches of [c]develop[/c], [c]production[/c] and feature branches.
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Publishing to AppStore and Play Store

During the software development process of a mobile app, you'll frequently encounter deadlines. While you can effectively manage your work or request changes to the scope to meet these deadlines, there's one variable that isn't entirely within your control: app publishing. However, you can minimize the associated risks. Here's how.
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Why React Native??
My journey in mobile development began with native Android development, which I initially believed to be the most technically sound approach to building Android apps. However, as I observed a growing preference among clients for a single codebase, I decided to explore Flutter, which, in my opinion, offered an excellent compromise. Eventually, I also ventured into React Native, driven by its widespread demand among clients. But have you ever wondered why this preference exists? In this article, I will share some insights on React Native based on my experiences. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on my reasoning.
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Developing for Apple TV
In the ever-expanding world of digital streaming, Apple TV holds a unique position. As a product of Apple's innovative ecosystem, it offers a rich platform for developers. Unlike its competitors, Apple TV runs on tvOS, which shares many similarities with iOS, making it an appealing platform for iOS developers to extend their reach.
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Behind the Scenes of Android TV Development
The era of the Smart TV is firmly upon us, with Android TV emerging as a key player. It's versatile, appearing on a wide range of devices such as smart TVs, Chromecast, and TV boxes compatible with older TVs. Typically, Smart TVs are equipped with browsers that can access streaming services. However, due to the limited control options (usually just a remote) and the cumbersome nature of typing, it's preferable to offer the easiest possible access to your service on TV. An installed app grants complete control over the user experience. This means fewer sign-ins (a relief considering the complexity of typing secure passwords via remote), the option of easier sign-in methods like QR codes, and better management of issues such as poor connectivity. But, is developing an Android TV app as daunting as it seems? Not in the slightest! The Android TV ecosystem mirrors that of Android apps, Android Auto, and Android Wear, simplifying the search for skilled developers. As a demonstration, I've developed a simple Proof of Concept (PoC) Android TV app focusing on a critical feature: Internet-based video streaming.
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